The news release has been updated. "Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Declaration"
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Declaration
DALIA Corporation has stood alongside hairdressers and salons in the beauty industry for nearly 80 years, upholding its corporate philosophy of being a sincere company that contributes to the advancement of Japanese beauty culture and industry development.
DALIA Group contributes to the value of inclusive beauty and makes everyone involved in beauty smile, regardless of gender, age, nationality, or disability status. We are committed to creating an environment where everyone can demonstrate their full potential. We are committed to promoting "Diversity, Equity & Inclusion."
June is known globally as Pride Month, and LGBTQ human rights festivals are held worldwide, with colorful and vibrant parades advocating for a gender-inclusive society where everyone can be true to themselves.
The DALIA Group promotes the following initiatives to create a company where everyone can thrive regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.
We aim to create a gender-inclusive work environment by explicitly stating the elimination of disadvantages and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in various regulations, and reviewing overall employee benefits including partnership systems and long-term medical care support for gender transition.
■ 2. Education
We will provide education on DE&I, unconscious bias, and other related topics to deepen employee understanding and foster an equitable workplace culture.
■ 3. Environment
We will promote workplace and store environments that are considerate of diverse gender identities and expressions.
In addition, through collaboration with supporting companies and organizations, we will work to raise awareness of gender-inclusivity, including LGBTQ+ individuals, in the beauty industry.
■ Implementation time: Beginning with changing our official social media icons to Pride logos in June (temporarily), we will implement various initiatives sequentially as we become ready.
By combining DALIA Corporation's corporate identity, which represents "elegant curled hair and boundless creativity," with the colors of the rainbow symbolizing LGBTQ pride, we aim to create a gender-inclusive future.
Inquiries about this matter:
DALIA Corporation General Affairs Division
4-3-25 Hakataekiminami, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka, 812-0016
TEL: 092-472-3035 FAX: 092-472-2347
Mail: charge: Miura)