
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

DALIA Co., Ltd. operates this website (hereinafter referred to as "this site") and recognizes the importance of personal information provided by users, and complies with laws related to the protection of personal information and other related laws and regulations. Additionally, we handle personal information safely and appropriately according to the following privacy policy.  The definitions of terms in this policy are consistent with those in the Act on Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as "the Act").

1. Definition of Personal Information

In this Privacy Policy, personal information means information about a living individual, and includes information that can identify specific individuals, such as names, dates of birth, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc.

2. Management of Personal Information

The personal information received from the customer will be carefully and appropriately handled to prevent unauthorized access, loss, leakage, etc.

3. Purpose of use of Personal Information

On this site, we may collect your personal information through customer inquiries and service applications. When we do so, we will use it properly for the purposes shown below.
・ Answers to inquiries
・ Provision of the products, services, etc.
・ Information on the distribution of e -mail magazines, etc., seminars and events
・ Requests for questionnaires, opinions, and impressions
・ To perform analyses necessary to improve this website
・ To perform the analysis necessary for the development of new services and products
・ To create data that excludes personal information and to develop reference materials for this website and customers
・ For identification verification

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not provide personal information received from customers to third parties without the consent of the customer, except in cases where disclosure is permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations. However, this does not apply to cases where cooperation with a national agency is necessary for the performance of its duties, and obtaining consent may interfere with the performance of those duties. 

5. About Disclosure, Correction, Deletion of Personal Information

If you would like to confirm, correct, or delete your personal data in our possession, please submit your request through the inquiry form on this website, either by yourself or through your authorized representative. We will respond promptly after verifying your identity.
Additional fees may be charged for requests for disclosure, correction, and deletion of personal information. In that case, we will inform you in advance.

6. About Disclosure of Personal Data 

The Company provides a notification of the purpose of use of personal data, or a third-party provision record (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc.") based on the provisions of laws and regulations. In such cases, we will confirm that it is a claim from the customer and disclose the information without delay, or notify the customer if there is no personal data available for disclosure.
However, in cases where we are not legally obligated to disclose information, or where the information falls under any of the following categories, we may choose not to disclose all or part of such information. We will notify you without delay even if you make a decision that is not.
⑴ If there is a possibility of harming your own or a third party's life, body, property, or other rights
⑵ When there is a risk of significant obstacles to the proper implementation of our business
(3) In other cases that violate laws and regulations

To request disclosure of your personal data, etc., you or your authorized representative should contact us from the inquiry form on this website.

7. Regarding the Suspension of Personal Data Usage

When the Company is requested by a customer to suspend the use of personal data held, delete or suspend provision to a third party based on the provisions of laws and regulations (hereinafter referred to as "suspension of use"). The Company will confirm the identity of the customer making the request, and then suspend the use of the personal data without delay and notify the customer.
However, this will not apply in cases where the Company is not legally obligated to suspend the use of the information.
In addition, even in the case of a decision not to suspend the use the Company will notify the customer without delay.
To request suspension of use, the customer or the customer's representative should submit a request using the inquiry form on this website.

8. About Access Analysis Tools

This website uses Google's web analytics tool "Google Analytics". Google Analytics collects your traffic data by using cookies. Customers can opt out of traffic data collection by disabling cookies in the browser settings. In addition, it is not possible to identify the customer from traffic data. For more information, see the Google Analytics Terms of Service.

9. About Cookie

"Cookie" is a mechanism that saves your site browsing history on your computer as data.
Cookies contain information about access to this site and other sites, and do not include personal information such as name, address, email address, and phone number.
Therefore, it is not possible to identify the customer from the information stored in cookies.

10. Disclaimer

Although the information and materials on this website are posted with thorough precautions, we do not guarantee the accuracy of the posted information. Therefore, we are not responsible for any results arising from the use or downloading of the information and materials posted on this site.
Please note that information on this website may be changed or deleted without notice, to maintain the accuracy of the information.

11. About Copyright

Reproduction and redistribution are prohibited for the copyrighted works such as sentences, images, and videos on this website.
In addition, when quoting the sentences or content posted on this site, please specify the source.

12. About Changes to This Policy

We may review and change this policy as appropriate without notice, due to the enactment or revision of laws and regulations.
Changes to this policy will take effect when the revised policy is posted on this site or becomes available for viewing by other means.

13. About Safety Management Measures

We strive to keep personal data in accurate and up-to-date condition within the purpose of use, and take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent security issues such as unauthorized access, leakage, tampering, loss and damage I will take. For details about our security management measures, please contact us through the inquiry form on this website.

14. Our address, representatives and personal information protection manager

Our address, representatives and personal information protection manager are as follows.
Address: 4-3-25 Hakataekiminami, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka
Representative: Shinichi Takagi
Personal information protection manager: General Affairs Division


Date of enactment : February 6, 2025